Wednesday, 27 March 2013

Trip to Winkler Elementary School

The weather is slowly warming up here in Manitoba. When Kristin Millar and I travelled to Winkler last Thursday the skies were clear blue and the sun coming in the windows was strong enough to almost make us forget about the snow on the ground. Despite some delays due to GPS navigating issues, we were off to a good day, but we had no idea that it would be the kind of day that we’ll hold in our hearts for years to come.

Our trip to Winkler was prompted by a letter I’d received in the mail from a girl in grade 8 at Winkler Elementary School. Susie was doing a research project on organ donation and had a number of questions to ask. I started typing out a response to her but stopped decided it might be better if I could respond to Susie a little more directly.

I phoned the school and talked to Susie’s teacher, Ms Louise Fultz.

“We do presentations to schools, would you be interested in having us out some time?” I asked.

“That would be wonderful! Susie would love that,” Louise exclaimed. “You would travel all the way out here?”

“Yes, we do travel outside of Winnipeg. Organ donors can come from all over Manitoba, so we like to talk to as many Manitobans as we can,” I said. Louise said this news made her day. I laughed after hanging up the phone. If only it were this easy to make everyone’s day.

Kristin and I do presentations regularly to high schools and community groups. Sometimes we get a really great response with lots of questions and comments and sometimes the room is a bit quieter. We remind ourselves that even if we’ve made an impact on one person and inspired them to register for organ and tissue donation, we’ve potentially changed eight lives or more. Every donor counts.

When we got to Winkler and found our way to the school office, Susie was there to greet us. She showed us where we could hang out coats and offered us water to drink. She asked us for our full names and wrote this information into the blank spots in her introduction speech. Susie admitted to being nervous about getting up to speak in front of her classmates but her nerves didn’t show.

After the presentation we joined Susie and Louise for lunch. Susie said that it was the stories of the amazing people who received and donated organs that inspired her interest in the topic. I don’t know many eighth graders right now, but I don’t imagine Susie’s a typical one. Her thoughtful, intelligent question and curiosity about all things organ donation had Kristin and me impressed. There was a good dose of the more typical girl chatter though too. Over shared plates of cake, we also talked about family, the transition to high school and shoes. Susie loves shoes.

Organ donation is a gift, but the best part is that the giving doesn’t only happen in the operating room. Kristin and I have had the pleasure of meeting so many kind people through doing presentations. Susie and her teacher reminded both of us of ourselves and the important teachers and mentors we had growing up. The opportunity for us to give that back in some small way was incredibly satisfying and special.

Monday, 18 March 2013

A Gift Of Pure Love

 Helen and Julia with Dr. Rush at CJOB
On Saturday I had the pleasure of joining the Manitoba OR Nurses Association conference as they had requested a living kidney donor transplant pair to speak about their experiences as patients. Julia received her sister Helen’s kidney last year. It was clear that this was a gift of pure love. Helen and Julia had the room both laughing and crying as they shared their stories. Afterward, many people came up to thank the ladies for sharing their perspectives. Karen, the conference organizer had this to say in an email to Helen this morning:
“I cannot begin to tell you how much positive feedback we received after your presentation. It was such a great feeling to hear your story. As an OR Nurse we rarely hear the end results and the life story of where you are now. That, as I stated, was the highlight of our day. You are to be commended for so much, and sharing your journey was a honour for us to experience. You are a great speaker. There was not a dry eye in the building that is for sure. As a nurse in a mechanical world sometimes, we absolutely love to know how our patients really do after the technical piece is completed.”
The beautiful part was that this was a gift for Helen too. In an email she wrote to Karen and me:
“Thank you both so much for giving me the opportunity to speak at the MORNA workshop to share my story and to give me an opportunity to acknowledge and thank the good work of the transplant program as well as the people at the HSC who helped along the way. Everyone was so warm and welcoming and I felt very honored to be there. Many people came up to us later to talk about their own personal tragedies that they were currently going through and it was so nice to be able to talk to them and offer them some encouragement and hope!”

Monday, 4 March 2013

Transplant Manitoba HSC Bake Sale

Happy Monday everyone! Last Friday I took in a social media workshop and now my brain is just tingling with ideas. My favourite takeaway from the afternoon was to ask the question, what if? It’s a simple thought starter, but it can lead to an interesting world of possibility if you can let yourself forget about all the roadblocks and barriers for a moment. What if every Manitoban registered on What if every family approached about organ donation said, yes, of course!  Why wouldn’t we? What if there was no shortage of organs for transplant and all our patients received their transplants within a year of being listed? What would that version of Manitoba look like?

Last Thursday I found out what would happen if I put out a table full of sweet treats and asked passersby to purchase them in support of Transplant Manitoba. Transplant Manitoba’s first ever bake sale was a great success, raising $540 for our trust fund. The cookies, muffins, cupcakes and squares were all hits. Thank you everyone who generously donated treats for our table and volunteered their help with assembling plates and standing at the table. I had no idea how much baking would come in and I was so amazed and wowed by the generosity.

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Coming up this month we will be talking kidney transplants on CJOB with Richard Cloutier. We are so pleased to join Richard’s show on March 6 at 10am. Guests will be Dr. David Rush, Helen Ferens (donor) and her sister Julia Kuriewicz (recipient).

In late-March I will be travelling in Manitoba for presentations to spread the word about organ donation and the online registry. One of those trip will be to Winkler, MB where I will visit a junior high school. This trip was prompted by a letter written by a lovely grade 8 student who chose to do an independent research project on organ donation. When I offered a visit to the school I got the most enthusiastic response I’ve ever had to a presentation pitch. “ I can't express just how excited Susie was over the prospect of you coming to speak about Organ Transplants, her research topic,” the teacher told me. “You made my day!” What if it was that easy to make someone’s day, every day?

If you play the what if game and come up with an interesting idea for raising awareness or funding, let me know!

Dates to Note:
Wednesday, March 6 – Kidney Transplant Pair and Dr. Rush on Richard Cloutier show
April 21 – 27 NOTDAW
April 23 – HSC Awareness Table
April 25 – St. Boniface Awareness Table
Tree of Life Ceremony – Monday, June 17, 2013. Yes, we’ve moved it one month later this year